For the past several years, the University’s P2P project, including the implementation of UShop, has resulted in efficiency improvement and reduction of paper-based processes for campus. Many paper forms and processes have been eliminated during that time, but one large one remains – the Campus Order.
We have determined that the time has come to retire this form, in favor of newer methods which are more efficient, transparent, and provide timelier processing of transactions. We have identified June 30, 2018, as the time when this form will be retired, and will no longer be accepted or processed.
In order to accomplish this goal, we have implemented an improvement which allows for many of these transactions to be handled in UShop. This will involve major selling departments being enabled in UShop, with their own billing processes. We have already completed this process for the University Guest House. What this means for you is that you can leverage the advantages of UShop you are already familiar with – chartfield validation, approvals based on GFA, transparent workflow, paperless processing, no need to reallocate transactions, and orders being directly viewable from management reports.
Some selling departments may also choose to use other billing methods, like eJournal or PCard to replace the Campus Order. As this project progresses, it will become more clear how each major selling department will conduct sales to campus departments and we will communicate these to you. We know in many cases the Campus Order is used for simple transfers of expenses from one department to another, and in these situations, an eJournal will be the replacement option. If you are using the Campus Order in this way, please begin your transition to eJournal now. We’ve improved the eJournal training and enrollment process, making it easier than ever for your department to use eJournal. Please contact Runar Boman in General Accounting at 801-587-9969, if you have questions or need help with eJournal.
We know you will have questions, and as you do, please contact Perry Hull, UShop Solutions Administrator, at 801-587-6280.