Chartwells Walk-In Dining Form now in UShop – Campus Orders no longer necessary!
Effective July 1, 2017, Chartwells will no longer accept paper campus orders as payment at their walk-in dining locations. We have partnered with Chartwells to design a solution within UShop for food purchases that will increase efficiencies for both Chartwells and the University.
Place your next walk-in order using UShop, by following these steps:
- Fill in a few simple details about the purchase, including an estimated dollar amount, and submit the form in UShop.
- Print a copy of the UShop PO and bring it with you in lieu of a paper campus order.
- Chartwells will invoice against the PO, for the actual amount of the meal.
Where to find the form in UShop:
The Chartwells Catering form can be found under “Place an Order” on the Shopping Home Page: