We are pleased to announce the following enhancements to ePR:
- Approval notification emails are now labeled with “ACTION REQUIRED.”
- Ended Projects – Preparers are now able to submit ePR requests during the time period past the end date and prior to the closed date.
- NUDGE and EMAIL SUMMARY are now functions available to those with Viewer role. Viewers are typically those that have Web Management Report Access.
- We have made it more clear what request type abbreviations mean. (NR means Non-Employee Reimbursement, for example).
- We have made minor adjustments to the EMAIL SUMMARY report to clarify “New Supplier” requests.
- We have made changes to address some of the browser issues with “My Request” and “All Request” lists.
- ORG and $amount of request are now available in “Find Request” lists.
Coming soon:
We will be taking “ACTION REQUIRED” off the notification to preparers sent when all workflow is complete – we recognize that this is causing some confusion.
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas for improvements, please let us know.