Over HALF our users are saving time with NEW Step 1 form

Since implementing the newest version of Register Trip, 57% of our users are saving time by using the pre-populating form with data entered during the Register Trip process.

What are Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3?: By submitting Step 1 forms, travel planners are requesting an “AirSelect” email which is a matrix of airfare choices from which they may select flights for travelers.   Travel planners using AirSelect emails save time submitting Step 2 which HOLDS specific flight reservations for your traveler.  Step 3 is the final confirmation step where departments provide chart fields and confirm that all flight and traveler information is correct prior to purchasing an airline ticket.

Airline tickets are not purchased and confirmed until the travel planner receives a confirmed itinerary with ticket numbers issued by the airline.

How can you save time using the NEW Step 1 form?

Click this link after submitting Register Trip:

Or come back to the system later and use the “Request Airfare” link from the main menu:

Also new: AirSelect emails have been improved by limiting the number of options to a more manageable amount.

Coming soon: Time Saving Step 2.  You will be able to use Trip data to pre-populate the Step 2 form when travel planners already know the flight numbers their travelers prefer.

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